URBAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCEADDRESS: 1951 Stella Lake St. Suite 26 Las Vegas, NV 89106 PHONE: (702) 648-6222 CONTACT: Urban Chamber of Commerce EMAIL: info@urbanchamber.org Minority Owned
PULSE CHECK 101 LLCADDRESS: WE COME TO YOU PHONE: (650) 270-1957 WEB:www.pulsecheck101.com CONTACT: Tyiesha Jones EMAIL: Tyiesha@pulsecheck101.com Minority Owned – Female Owned
SEAN EARLY PHYSICAL THERAPYADDRESS: 8235 S. Eastern Ave. Suite 150 Las Vegas, NV, 89123 PHONE: (702) 330-3073 WEB: www.seanearlypt.com CONTACT: Michelle Ainge EMAIL: seanearlypt@gmail.com